
Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Other Man In My Life...

I’m looking for a new relationship.

Not a lover. Don’t get me wrong. I’m still insanely happy with my beautiful husband. This is something completely different.

I’m looking for someone special to take things to the next level.

Someone who will listen to my needs and always do as I ask. Someone who will be quick to offer a solution when problems arise.
Someone who is honest, hard working and punctual.
Someone who will always put my situation before that of others.
And above all, someone who will not cost me an absolute fortune.

That’s right, I’m looking for a builder.

And I tell you it’s as hard as finding a life partner.

You meet a potential candidate through a mutual friend; it’s always better if you know a little bit about their background or past relationships. You don’t want to commit to just anyone who pops a flyer in your letterbox.

You make an initial date, let’s call it a ‘quote’ – but really you’re checking each other out. Do I like this person? Are they going to do a good job, on time and to budget? And most of all can I stand this person in my life for the next three months? Especially when they’ll be seeing that anxious and, lets face it, psychotic side of my personality that is saved for stressful situations such as home renovating.

Then you wait by the phone – or the computer. Waiting for a response. Can they renovate your house? Do they want to renovate your house? And if they do, how much will they charge?

Just before Christmas I met with three builders, none of whom came back with a quote. I’m starting to take it personally.

But as with all relationships you have to work at it. I have since chased one up and now he is playing hard to get. And I followed up another that gave us a quote three years ago when we initially had our plans approved. He’s playing even harder to get. Possibly because due to babies, life and lack of finance, we couldn’t go ahead with the work. Maybe he took that personally.

As you may know, I endured many single years before I met my perfect match so I’m used to bad dates, awkward moments and rejection. But I thought now as a 43 year-old, happily married mother of two that would all be firmly in the past – but here I am, still waiting for the one, well another one.

Last year my daughter listed all her future Halloween costumes up until she turns nine - ‘a builder’ popped up fourth on her list. Obviously my stress about renovating and finding the right person to carry it out has had some influence over her tender mind.

Anyway. I’m desperate. To renovate. I’m still dreaming of a dishwasher.  I just need the perfect builder to make my dream come true.

But relationships are hard. Bad ones are terrible and the good ones are worth waiting for. I’ll just have to be positive and believe that one day my building prince will come.

Maybe tomorrow is that day.

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