
Friday, 7 September 2012

Acting Up

This week I had an audition. I love audition days although now they're very different from the ones pre-kids, let me tell you.

I had to be out the door by 8am to drop the 4 year-old to daycare, cross town in peak hour traffic to drop the baby to my parents, back across town for the audition, back to the baby to give her lunch and put her down for her three hour (bless her) sleep while I wrote an article for a house magazine, then it was off to the supermarket before picking up the 4 year old and home for dinner, bath and bed!

As I was throwing on a bit of make-up at 7.55am while cleaning the 4 year-old's teeth and trying to stop the baby from putting holes in my pantyhose, I had a brief moment of reflection of the days before children. The days when I would wake up after a full night's sleep, maybe have an invigorating jog around the block, shower, do hair and make-up in peace, have a relaxing breakfast and coffee while I went over my script and then headed off to my audition with plenty of time to prepare, check lippy etc etc......sounds like bliss but frankly I had too much time on my hands...

Ironically this week's audition was for the role of a 40s something career woman with no kids. Bit of a stretch but nice to visit for a moment. Not that I would change my life for anything but that's the great thing about acting, you get to pretend to be a completely different person with a very different life. A bit like a holiday - an exciting change but always great to come home!

Fingers crossed it goes my way

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